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Newlyweds tasered twice in 48 hours

These newlyweds know how to party. They were tasered and arrested at their raucous wedding reception, and two days later they were tasered and arrested again.


(Photo by Kacper Skowron/For the Sun-Times)

"The short version of the story is they didn't want to quit their partying," said Mike Sepic, Berrien County, Mich., chief assistant prosecutor. "If you put this in the class of wedding receptions gone bad, I guess this would take the cake."

And the story didn't end after the reception. Two nights later, the bride and groom were again arrested in Michigan -- and again shocked by a stun gun -- after struggling with police investigating a noise complaint, Sepic said. The groom was charged with pushing his new wife down during that incident, but the charge was later dropped as part of a plea bargain, Sepic said.

Newlyweds are Tasered, arrested at reception melee, and again two days later (suntimes.com) (via For Your Entertainment)
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