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Russian astronaut’s blog

I think he has landed now, but Maksim Suraev wrote loads of posts from his latest mission in space. They're really quite sweet. Funny to think of someone actually in the International Space Station, whizzing around in the night sky.You can see them here in English (here in Russian, where there are more photos).

Here's an example of one of his posts:
Once upon a time there were two cosmonauts on board the Russian section of the International Space Station. They were living in great comfort, kept their section clean and were doing research.

And there was a greenhouse on board the Station. The cosmonauts were growing lettuce there to give scientists on the earth food for thought.

But apart from lettuce, wheat grew in the greenhouse on its own. And it was so good that all the scientists admired it.


Once, in the morning, Prince Oleg woke up and decided to have some fresh bread for breakfast, to get more strength.

And then Maxim flew past. Oleg asked him: “My dear friend, will you please look for some flour in our section, so that we can bake bread. We can eat it and it will give us strength!”

And Maxim replied: “Why should we look for flour, if we have our own wheat?! And green lettuce too!”

So they ate the lettuce and grew stronger!

Now they no longer fear going into outer space, or on any space-link-up!