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A dream about Evie

Found this in an old folder on my computer. Sweet dream. Still remember it really clearly. The reason it's "we" is because I emailed Cat so I didn't forget.

Had the most hilarious dream yesterday – we were on Primrose Hill looking for the dog walker who was with Evie. Anyway so off we trot and eventually overtake her, only she keeps calling Evie ‘Vanessa’ instead. Evie, naturally, isn’t listening and instead is running around in circles. Then she catches my scent and runs over, all low to the ground and waggy waggy and puts my hand in her mouth. So we roll about and play fight and it’s really fun and I’m all happy she remembers me and then you jump on and join in too and then all three of us did rolly-polies down the hill like we did at Laura Beth’s birthday and the view is like Cat-dog-grass-sky-Cat-dog-grass-sky.