$5000 Burger

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The Fleur de Lys restaurant in Las Vegas at Mandalay Bay may serve French cuisine but that hasn't stopped them from adapting their own version of an American classic: the hamburger. Called the "Fleurburger 5000" it's no Plain Jane either, featuring a juicy Kobe beef patty topped with a rich truffle sauce and served on a brioche truffle bun. And this burger comes with a bottle of 1990 Chateau Petrus, served in Ichendorf Brunello stemware that you get to keep.

It sounds (and looks) vile, to be honest. All dark and rich, brioche is far too sweet, the black truffles so pungent you won't be able to taste anything else, and it looks like they've poured gravy all over it too.

Should you decide to indulge no worries about bragging rights: you can bring a friend (they get a free burger when you order yours) and you'll also get a certificate in the mail (along with your keepsake glass) so you'll have both a witness and paper proof.

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