Fridge Magnet Force

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An investigation has been launched into claims that cheeky police are said to have left a fridge-magnet calling card after smashing into the wrong house. Officers hunting a criminal recalled to prison for breaching his release conditions broke into the home of a couple in Oldham.

The family came home to find a hole in their back door, police in the yard, and fridge magnets rearranged to spell "OLDHAM TASK FORCE CALLED".

Aaron West, his partner Leeanne Baker, and their two-year-old son Leighton had only moved into the rented house in Letham Street, Hathershaw, 11 days earlier.

Mr West, 20, said: "It's pathetic and childish. I want a written apology. We came back from shopping to find the back door smashed in and on the kitchen work top. The police here didn't tell us much, so I went to the station to ask why. But when I told the desk sergeant I didn't know who they were looking for, they just weren't interested.

"When I came home I noticed the fridge magnets had been rearranged and said: `OLDHAM TASK FORCE CALLED'. "These are for children, they're not for the police to leave a message they've raided your house."

Police bosses have launched an investigation.

From here.

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