Tweets and parps. So that's what Twitter is for.

I don't like Twitter. And I'm not keen on other people's farts when they smell. Though when they make a good noise, they can be quite funny.

One man has combined the gaseous emissions of his botbot with love for Tweeting, and in so doing, stumbled upon a way that Twitter can actually be useful: every time he farts, his office chair tweets the toot.

His dream is to "accurately document and share [his] life as it happens". The setup is quite hard-core tech: a natural gas sensor sniffs out the methane, an Arduino processes it and a Squidbee wireless module communicates it all to Twatter.

Over 3,500 people so far follow the office chair. Join in the fun (or just look and think about it) here. Or do it yourself by following the how-to on Instructables. Parrrrrrp.