Tokyo spam sandwich (with pork beans)

People have funny little routines when they get home from work. Some people turn on the telly and tune out until bed time. One very good friend of mine likes nothing better than to just sit on the sofa with all the lights off. Another turns on his Xbox 360 and rains merry hell onto the heads of digital terrorists from his virtual gunship. I don't have a telly (I do, but it's only for films and stuff), so I quite like to cook. It's very relaxing - meditative if you like. And you know what? I'm not alone. The video below comes from jetdaisuke, in Tokyo. Turns out we share a great deal in our cooking techniques (and, I think, general attitude to life). I need to know where he got his panda-thing from. And I love the way he says "sliced cheese". Rocking. [youtube=]