RZA made a movie. A kung fu movie.

Wu-Tang vs The Golden Phoenix Man I would LOVE to be the RZA. Not only does he make wicked hip-hope, but now he's gone and made his very own kung-fu movie. It is going to be DOPE. Serious cast too: Robert Tai of 5 Deadly Venoms fame (fight choreographer), some of the Jackie Chan Stunt Team, a posse from the USA Shaolin Team, Chi Kua Chun (who dropped nails in loads of Shaw Bros. films), Shaolin monk Shi Yan Ming (34th generation? I thought monks were celibate...), and finally the legend that is Doctor King Ogun Ali Muhammad, founder of the Universal African Fighting System. YES! I'm going to learn the move that makes the ground blow up and then blood explode out of your acupuncture points.
