Versions, by Oliver Laric

“Versions” is a visual essay by Oliver Laric, investigating the re-appropriation and manipulation of images in our culture. First half more interesting than the second half, where some of the commentary gets a bit obfuscatory. oliver laric versions 2010

As a post script to his essay though, I'd say it's important to remember that the "copy and paste" function, writ large like these examples, is not always a product of laziness. With some of it, it's an efficiency thing. Cutting corners in order to get things out to more people - a modern audience already understands the frame of the narrative, they just want to see it in a different framework, a different context, proving a different moral. The same is as true in Disney as it is in Grimm's fairy tales, Greek myth etc.

Watch the video here.

(link found on the indefatigable art blog BOOOOOOOOM!)