You naughty naughty boys - vintage rockstar mugshots
Wicked collection of vintage mugshots of musicians over at Flavorwire. The one of Frank Sinatra is, quite frankly, scary, and I wonder if the Johnny Cash one is from when he got caught smuggling pills inside his guitar. Bowie, as you'd expect, looks cool as a cucumber and completely unruffled. Note also how many of them look like they've been taken on Hipstamatic... Axl Rose, 1980
David Bowie, 1976
Elvis Presley, 1976
Frank Sinatra, 1938
Janis Joplin, 1969
Jim Morrison, 1970 (got into trouble on my birthday)
Jimi Hendrix, 1969
Johnny Cash, 1965
Ozzy Osbourne, 1984 (wicked sweatshirt)
Steve Tyler, 1967 (I once did a wee next to him. That makes us practically related)