Posts tagged charity
The #BigChairProject: Jay Jay Burridge and the Chilli Con Carnivore

Jay Jay has designed a fantastic chair for Jamie Oliver's Big Chair Project, in which you can bid for chairs designed by top artists - and the proceeds go to an inspiring charity. Watch the film below to get an insight to his design process - and see the finished product. Oh, and if you like the look of his stuff, check out more Dino gear and his rocking custom-made caps (all offices should have a giant triceratops in them, by the way).

[youtube=]   The BIG Chair Project is the brainchild of the Better Food Foundation, the charity founded by Jamie Oliver. Back in 2002, Jamie established Fifteen, a unique and pioneering restaurant group that uses the magic of food to give young people a chance to have a better future. Ten years on, hundreds of apprentices have graduated from the programme, which trains unemployed youngsters to become professional chefs.

With 2012 marking the 10th anniversary, it was time to do something a little celebratory to raise much-needed funds for the next 10 years.

The BIG Chair Project sees 20 creatives including Sarah Burton, Christopher Bailey, Tracey Emin, Paul Smith, Julien MacDonald and Matthew Williamson customise Fritz Hansen’s iconic ‘ANT’ chair to raise money for the Better Food Foundation.

Each bespoke chair will be auctioned – you can be in with the chance of winning one of six chairs by buying a ticket (from £5) to enter the online lottery. The remaining chairs will be auctioned online until the end of October.

“It’s incredibly exciting to think that Fifteen restaurant and the Foundation have been helping to inspire, educate and empower young people for 10 years now. I’m truly humbled to have such a brilliantly talented group of people from the fashion and art worlds to help on this fantastic project to raise money and help us mark the occasion. If you’d like to help us celebrate too, check out the Foundation website for more info.” – Jamie Oliver

A small price for a smile...

[youtube=] "My girlfriend and I left London in September 2011 to go travelling around the world. On the way, we spent 3 weeks volunteering as English teachers in a rural Cambodian school. Whilst we were there, we decided to set the kids a challenge: to learn how to say the hardest word in English...

"Here's how they got on."


Support the kids at (all donations are made securely through paypal).

tUnE-yArDs / My Country

Saw this lovely video on Booooooom. Reminds me of this little sketch by Dallas Clayton: TWO CHILDREN PLAYING A GAME WITH NO DIRECTIONS:

Child 1: Wait, this game doesn’t have directions.

Child 2: So?

Child 1: So how do you know if you are playing it right?

Child 2: It’s fun. When a game is fun you’re playing it right.


Anyhoo, the original post is:


I’m such a sucker for videos featuring kids that can dance. This tUnE-yArDs video for My Country features kids being weird, or rather – kids being kids. Remember being one? Crazy. It kind of reminds me School of Rock – which makes sense because this video was just launched in support of the SF Rock Project Lending Library to help fund new instruments for students.

The SF Rock Project got it’s start with the help of Kickstarter and now it needs donations to help it grow. It’s a non profit music school that helps develop young tUnE-yArds-in-the-making. Investing in young, aspiring rock musicians is a no brainer, because let’s be real – you can’t pick up a guitar in your twenties and think you’re going to be a rock star. Gotta start ‘em young.

Watch the video and donate here.

Alex explains Commando

Alex is a nine-year-old boy from Tanzania. He's going to tell you about Arnold Schwarzenegger's classic Eighties rom-com, Commando. [youtube=]

I love this video for challenging the way I'm conditioned to pigeonhole things too quickly. Images, stories, you name it, we're (or at least I certainly feel) set up to assume a stereotype - or feel the urge to do so.

This is part of a non-profit campaign by Mama Hope, which says: "We've had enough of the tragic impressions of Africans that flood the media and nonprofit campaigns. We aim to break these stereotypes by releasing a series of captivating videos that show the light of the people we serve in Africa. We aspire to introduce our communities to you with the integrity and brilliance that we witness everyday.

"In the first video of our series meet Alex! He is a happy, healthy, nine-year-old boy from Tanzania. He is intensely enthusiastic, has a wild imagination and loves action movies. Does this sound like any nine-year-old boys you know?"