Posts tagged photoshop
Astonishing colourisation brings black and white images to life. Uncanny.

A seriously impressive piece of colourisation, showing just how amazing Photoshop can be. The people behind this gallery and, I think, this site normally restore old wedding pics and so on, but here they turn their eye to iconic figures and images. It's amazing how it brings them to life. The one of the self-immolating Vietnamese monk is harrowing enough - it was already a Pullitzer prize-winning image, but the others have just as much impact in their own way. Anne Frank, for example, seems to gain personality, Abe Lincoln looks - less anachronistic. Anyway, see for yourself: Charles Darwin -

Abraham Lincoln -

Anne Frank -

Mark Twain -

Fridtjof Nansen (Norwegian explorer and total badass) -

Thich Quang Duc, protesting at Catholic repression of Buddhists.

More images can be found here.

The Photoshop Font

[vimeo] Emilio Gomariz noticed that Photoshop remembered the original size and position of windows before they were minimised. So Gomariz did the most logical thing he could think of — he created a font based on the careful arrangement of 114 colorful Photoshop files. (via)