Posts tagged smoking kids
Smoking kids

Inspired by a video of a chain-smoking two-year-old from Indonesia, photographer Frieke Janssens took a series of portraits of kids smoking.

She says: "The aesthetics of smoke and the particular way smokers gesticulate with their hands and posture cannot be denied, but among the different tribes of "Smoking Kids," - Glamour, Jazz, and The Marginal - there is a nod to less attractive aspects, on the line between the beauty and ugliness of smoking."

You might like to know that none of the kids are actually smoking fags. She used a combination of sticks of chalk, bits of cheese (as cigarettes) and joss sticks (smoke) to comp the effect. Do click the sheet below to link through to the series as it will show the images in much better quality than they are here. If you like the photos (and I do), be sure to check out her website, which is fab.

There's also a behind-the-scenes video of the shoot here - also well worth watching.