Posts tagged stop motion
Olympic Vermin

[vimeo w=700&h=390] Olympic Vermin is such a great title for this video, featuring the scruffy creatures of London having their own mini-Olympic torch lighting. I have to say, I’d almost rather watch this then the real Olympics. Those rats are pretty cute (but you know, not in real life). Nice work from Amael Isnard and Leo Bridle.(via)

Stop motion

Sometimes the video that goes with a song is just... well is just exactly right. Oren Lavie's song, Her Morning Elegance, has this gorgeous piece of stop motion (which he also directed). It earned a 2010 Grammy Award nomination for "Best Short Form Music Video". There's a website here on which you can buy individual frames. [youtube=]

Some bright spark did a fantastic parody of it too:


Insert Coin

Quite simply a ROCKING piece of stop motion by Ninja Moped (they used to call themselves Rymdreglage but for some reason decided it was too difficult to pronounce). Some of it almost looks fake. It's not. Keep watching to the end of the vid and they'll tell you how they did it.


In another thing they're working on, the Piano Project, they plan to build a giant crossbow and use it to shoot pianos into buildings, cars and trees and then film it at super HD. Sounds awesome.

They also do amazing stuff with Lego. Checkit.