Posts tagged silly
Naive New Beaters / Jersey

I would win this race. [vimeo w=700&h=390]

A competition by Esteban+Vinciguerra & Remy Cayuela Director: Remy Cayuela Writters: Esteban+Vinciguerra & Remy Cayuela Dop: Martial Schmeltz Editor: Edouard Mailaender Label: Cinq7 Production company: Frenzy paris Post-production: Circus SFX: Jean Miel Stylist: Bylitis Nicod

Psalm of the baldhead

Found at random on t'internet. By anon. Here 'tis: Psalm of the Baldhead

Tell me not, in, merry accents, That I have an unthatched roof; 'Tis the hairy head that lacks sense- Baldness is of thought a proof.

Hair is vulgar, hair is useless, And to brush and comb's a bore, Making life but dull and juiceless I need brush and comb no more.

Not for wise men matted hair is, Black or brown or red or fair; Let the savage of the prairies Waste his time in raising hair!

Life is short, and hairs are numbered, And, though flies are hardly borne, Still at night I've always slumbered, When the night-cap I have worn.

Is the world's broad field of battle, Who'd be at the barber's call, Listening to his tiresome tattle, Better bare as billiard ball!

Fear no future, baldhead brother, You were bald in infant days; Crave not hirsute of another- Brain it is, not hair that pays.

Lives of great men all remind us That our smooth and polished pates Leave all hairy heads behind us- Let us thank the favoring fates!

Foot-Prints of Old Time's fleet walking No one sees on our smooth crowns, Mind no more the Idle talking Made by envious mop-head clowns.

Let us, then, O hairless brother, Proudly through life's pathway roll, We remember that dear mother Earth is barren at the pole.

Tropfest 2011 winner: Animal Beatbox

[youtube=] What is the true call of the wild? Here we travel down a very special river and are introduced to a wide variety of the animal kingdom who all contribute their name for the sake of music.

Directed by Damon Gameau Tropfest Australia ( world's biggest short-film festival, 700 entries, 16 finalists)

I mean, I liiiike it and all that. Shame he didn't go into full chopsticks with the dolphin chorus. Nice idea though.

Tropfest website says: 'The winning film is a branch into animation by Underbelly and Balibo actor Gameau, with a catchy lyrical and poetic narrative. The film was shot in his mother’s spare room for just $85 and on a liquid detox diet with his girlfriend by his side – somehow they are still together. “I’m quite new to stop animation, but I find it a quick and versatile way to express any idea that may be lurking in my head,” he says.'

Eleven reasons why David Shrigley is my favourite artist (today)

  • According to a piece Dazed did on him (it's here), not only is he a good host, but he wears a seatbelt even when he sits in the back seat.
  • He freely admits that he's shit at drawing and that he's always just drawn like he does. Which is great, actually, because it means he's not putting it on.
  • He mixes humour with art, but still manages to make me think. That said, I don't get all of it.
  • He works pretty constantly - about 30 drawings a day.
  • He's trying to swear less.
  • He said this when drownedinsound asked him if he was worried about overexposure: "“Err… Yes, probably. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about that though. I suppose to say no to some things, but I don’t know. My criteria is that as long as what I am doing is good then it’s fine to do it. As long as I’m having a good time and I feel what I am doing is interesting and not shite then that’s good and I’m going to continue. I supposed there is a fashion aspect to what I am doing, and perhaps I will go out of fashion at some point. But, again, there’s not a lot I can really do about that so I might as well just… Oh wait, an ambulance is going past.”
  • Apparently he throws away 70% of his drawings
  • Looking at his work, and then at a picture of him, the two don't necessarily go together. That's a good thing.
  • He told The Scotsman that he sometimes he likes to draw people before he meets them for the first time: "The image you have before you meet someone is gone forever as soon as you see them. I like to preserve that image. I like how wrong it is."
  • He did an exhibition at The Serpentine a few years ago, and I bought a book of postcards. Then, when I was ill not long after, loads of people came to visit me and stuff, so I wrote loads of postcards in the book to say thank-you to them. But then I never sent the cards and kept them because I didn't want to part with the art (I still feel a bit guilty about that, but then I've always been crap at writing thank-you letters).
  • Finally, I really really love his stuff. Here's a slideshow. I don't know how to make it go slower, so press stop if you want.
  • [slideshow]

    ps - if you like it, there's loads more on his website, which you can get to by clicking HERE It's much better than the slideshow.
